How To Build a Sales Funnel For Your Real Estate Business

Stephen Kolawole
5 min readJan 28, 2021

Sales funnels aren’t just for e-commerce businesses… how can you use high-converting sales funnels for your real estate business? Find out here!

Whether you’re a real estate agent or investor, your business depends upon a few things.

First, people in your market have to know that your business exists. If they don’t know about your business, then you’re not going to make any money… plain and simple.

Second — and just as important — you’ve got generate leads for your business. That is, you’ve got to find motivated sellers or high-quality buyers.

And finally, you’ve got to turn those leads into deals and transactions.

If any three of those pieces are missing, your business is going to struggle.

In this article, we’re going to show you how to use sales funnels to drive traffic (step one) and generate leads (step two) so that you can turn those leads into cold hard cash (step three).

Let’s get started!

What is a sales funnel (for real estate)?

To understand what a sales funnel is, you first have to understand what a sales funnel isn’t.

You see, most real estate investors and agents use websites to spread brand awareness, drive traffic, and even generate leads.

But the problem is… websites are dying.

What we mean is that websites are wildly inefficient at driving traffic and generating leads.

Think about it.

Here’s what a typical real estate website might look like.

Pretty, right?

But unfortunately, pretty doesn’t equal effective.

The problem with traditional websites is that they don’t guide visitors. They allow visitors to browse. They allow visitors to interact with your brand. They even allow visitors to take action.


But they don’t intentionally guide visitors from point A to point B.

Which is why websites usually leave people confused about what action they should or shouldn’t take.

It’s sort of like putting a brick wall between you and your target market.

Instead, what you need is a series of pages that are intentionally crafted to guide motivated sellers and high-quality buyers toward the exact action that you want them to take — giving you their contact information.

And that’s exactly how a sales funnel operates.

Essentially, a sales funnel consists of several pages that, step by step, guide each visitor to conversion.

If a website is like giving someone your business card, then a sales funnel is like having your best salesperson walk hand-in-hand with each of your website visitors as they make a decision.

And there are different sales funnels for different things.

There are sales funnels for hosting live events, generating leads, and, of course, making sales.

As it applies to real estate, the main application will be generating high-quality leads. Because if you can do that, then you already know how to sell your services.

How To Build Your High-Converting Real Estate Sales Funnel (3 Steps)

So you understand what a sales funnel is and how it applies to your real estate business.

The only question left to answer, then, is how can you actually build a high-converting sales funnel?

Here are the three steps.

1. Understand WHO You’re Targeting & What You’re Offering

As with all types of businesses, if you don’t know who you’re targeting and why your service is beneficial to your target market, then you’re going to have a really hard time generating leads or closing deals.

So let me ask you…

Who is your target market?

You might answer that question by saying “People who want to buy or sell a home in [YOUR CITY].”

And that’s a great start.

But especially if you’re in a competitive market, you might want to consider niching down even further.

For example, could you be…

  • The real estate agent who sells river-front homes?
  • The real estate agent who helps first-time homebuyers?
  • The real estate investor who helps people going through foreclosure?
  • The real estate investor who helps people going through a divorce?

As the cliche goes, “the riches are in the niches.”

2. Map Out & Create Your Sales Funnel

Once you know who you’re targeting and why your offer is appealing to those people, it’s time to map out and create your sales funnel.

Don’t miss that first part: “map out”.

It can be tempting to dive right into building your sales funnel without really thinking through the process beforehand.

But doing that will usually make creating your sales funnel take longer and be more confusing.

So map it out — you can even steal from us if you like 😉

In fact, we recommend it.

The main sales funnel that we recommend you use for generating real estate leads like clockwork is the Squeeze Page Funnel…

This is a dead-simple sales funnel that just consists of two pages… the Squeeze Page and the Thank You Page.

Usually, people will give you their email address because you’re offering something that they want in return… for free.

Here’s what this might look like.

Prospects visit your sales funnel and arrive on a page like this.

3. Drive Traffic & Measure Conversion Rate

Once you’ve finished creating your lead-gen sales funnel, it’s time to drive traffic.

You have lots of options. But perhaps the best two ways to drive traffic to your sales funnel quickly is Facebook Ads and Google Ads.

You might also want to invest time into SEO for your website and social media content, but those tactics will take longer to pay off.

Here’s an example of the kind of Facebook ad you might use to find motivated sellers and drive them to your sales funnel…

ClickFunnels and Your Real Estate Business

Whether you’re a real estate agent or an investor, you can use ClickFunnels to generate leads for your business… like clockwork.

Sales funnels are an extremely powerful digital marketing tool that your competitors probably aren’t using.

By creating a sales funnel, then, you’ll have an unfair advantage.

And you can click below to build your first sales funnel on the house… give it a try and see how it goes!

Build Your First Sales Funnel

